Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Love This Guy

Seth Godin is awesome.

Where to begin?

Well, there is this outstanding TED Talk that I watched the other day.

And then there is this great document, "Stop Stealing Dreams," on how he'd reform education.

And here is another excellent TED Talk on "The Tribes We Lead."

Finally,  here are some inspiring blog posts that he has just put up.

The puzzle joint

Nick Schade makes beautiful handmade kayaks. One model is 18 feet long and it's built from plywood. The problem, of course, is that plywood comes in 8 foot long sheets.
Most people would work to hide the joint, to minimize it, to make it as invisible as possible. "Hey, if we have to do this, let's pretend we don't."
Nick stains the two pieces different colors and makes it into a feature. If you have a limit, perhaps it's worth embracing.


The false choice of mediocrity

Too often, we're presented with choices that don't please us. We can pick one lousy alternative or the other. And too often, we pick one.
I was struck by Apple's choice to put a glass screen on the original iPhone. Just six weeks before it was announced, Steve Jobs decided he wanted a scratchproof glass screen. The thing is, this wasn't an option. It wasn't possible, reliable, feasible or appropriately priced. It couldn't be done with certainty, and almost any other organization would have taken it off the list of appropriate choices.
It was unreasonable.
And that's the key. Remarkable work is always not on the list, because if it was, it would be commonplace, not remarkable.

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