Friday, July 15, 2011

Rogue Faculty Press

The RRVWP listserv sent out a call for submissions from Rogue Faculty Press.

I developed two essays to submit.  The first one is an essay I wrote during my first week of grad school at BSU.  The other is a creative non-fiction piece that developed out of another grad school essay.  The funny thing about the latter piece is that I just wanted to develop one minor example in the original essay.  That minor example was a little anecdote about my first day teaching Comm 10.  Before I knew it, that little example developed into 8 pages.  I had to work very hard to trim it to under 3,000 words (the limit for submission).  I saved all 8 drafts to share with my College Comp classes to illustrate the craft of revision.

I did take some creative liberties with the last piece.  The retiring teacher in there was nothing like Mrs. Cullen, whom I replaced.

The Myth of Teacher

One of Those Teachers

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