Friday, July 22, 2011

Another infographic about digital devices and education

Just look at how technology - namely the web - has changed education.  Ten years ago if you were to take a class on line, it was roundly considered a joke.  Now, not so.  The University of Phoenix is massively successful.  Several of my colleagues have either taken on line classes or earned degrees that way and they are just as rigorous as the grad classes I took during my leave of absence.

The biggest impact for me and my post-graduate school education has been iTunes and iTunes U.  Just this week I've been listening to a literary theory class from Yale.  How cool is that?

Here is an infographic that looks at the Apple University and how other Apple endeavors have impacted education.

One day, will all of education look like this?  Notice the design of the university is to teach people to think (okay, to think like Steve Jobs, but to think none the less).  What would our current schools look like if we actually taught people to think rather than pass high stakes tests?

About Apple University
Research and design by Online Colleges Resource

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