Friday, January 21, 2011

451, Here we come

So much for Ray Bradbury's fictionary Sci-fi (or speculative fiction) piece in which a society becomes so desensitized to pop culture that they are a bunch of mindless followers content to believe whatever they are told.

Well, are we not there? Really, the front page news piece on yahoo news has to deal with whether or not the president is dying his hair. Really!

That's the major news!

Aren't there any problems to try and solve? Any urgent stories that demand our attention and action.

Instead we get to debate whether our president is dying his hair.

I'm sure the E! channel and Entertainment Tonight will have hour long specials.

Montag and Mildred. It's all coming true.

1 comment:

MichaelD said...

Whenever I see something like this, I'm reminded of the comic here.
I think I've shown this to you in the past, but it's always good to get it out again. The original site is recombinantrecords, but that is down at the moment, so I had to find another one.