Thursday, May 13, 2010


I thought I’d be nice and send out a text reminding my College Comp II students to have a good evening and to enjoy the final night before their multi-genre research paper is due. Oh yeah, and that the MGRP was 20 percent of their grade.

I also reminded them that I’d be thinking of them while I watched American Idol.

Then one of my smart asses sent me a text stating --

“About 15 pages average per paper. About 25 kids. A solid 375 pages you’re gonna be stuck reading.”

Ha. Touche!

I think that’s what’s called a buzzkill.

His solution?

“To save you some time, you can just give me an A+ and call it good.”

Not quite.

And to be quite honest, these essays are the high point of my year. They are genuine, full of voice, and amazing.

So good, in fact, that it seems like a shame to even grade them.

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