Friday, March 05, 2010

What a night

Kenzie was up until about 9 or so. Then Kristie had to take her upstairs and try to get her to sleep. She didn't get much of a nap during the day and was over tired.

This started things off well; however, since she has RSV, Kenzie needs a nebulizer treatment every four hours. On top of that, she needs some very strong medicine once a day, a medicine she happens to loathe. In fact, when we gave it to her yesterday (we tried mixing it with some water), she actually made herself puke it up it tasted so terribly.

We waited until she was good and out before we tried the second dose. We got it down and she seemed fine. That was until I was rinsing out the syringe. That's when I heard Kenzie screaming and Kristie calling for water.

Finally, Kristie was able to calm Kenzers and get to her to sleep.

We waited until 11 to give Kenzie a neb treatment. This went well, and I soon brought her to her crib for what I hoped would be the rest of the evening.

How wrong I was.

Kenzie's next neb treatment was at three. I made it through the whole treatment. I was just winding the extension cord out of her room, when she sat up and started crying.

I hoped she'd settle back down and fall asleep, but soon she was standing in her crib holding the bars and crying.

How could I walk away from that?

By this time it was close to 3:30, so I brought her down, changed her diaper, and gave her some water, hoping that would help her fall back asleep.

Nope. She was wide awake.

I brought up to our bed, hoping Kristie would work her magic and get Kenzie to sleep.

She really only tossed and turned until about four. Then I decided to bring her downstairs.

As soon as we got downstairs, she ran to the kitchen and stood my her highchair. The little girl wanted her breakfast. At four in the morning!

So I made her a toaster stroodle. She devoured that. So I made her a bowl of Lucky Charms (she picks out the marshmallows and eats them).

However, she was growing cranky and making a mess. That was when Grandma swooped in to the rescue. We made a bottle and she was able to rock Kenzie back to sleep.

I went back to bed to enjoy an hour or so of sleep.

Looks like lots of coffee today.

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