Friday, February 19, 2010

Spam Feedback

I've been getting quite a bit of spam feedback lately. It used to generic stuff that was pretty easy to discern as spam.

But now it's getting a little tricky.

Instead of leaving generic feedback that could apply to any blog, the spammers now have diligently begun to scan blogs for specific information that they can target.

Since I often blog about teaching writing, I just got some feedback from "Custom Thesis Writing" (if only they had read enough of this blog to realize not only how much I hate the thesis support format but also how I hate sites just like those that will write papers for students!).

They gave me some canned feedback and then had a link to their website.

How dare they!


Me said...

Well - at least you get feedback... He he

Anonymous said...

What scares me about the spammers is when they gather information about a person's personal life that is sometimes revealed in a blog!!!