Saturday, March 14, 2009

A perfect day.

A grown man should not be frightened by a child. But Kenzie terrifies me . . . at times. Well, most of the time lately.

When we brought her home, I was really terrified. Since Kristie was breastfeeding, obviously I couldn’t feed her. I couldn’t soothe her. All of those tasks fell to Kristie. Finally, when she was full and sleepy, I could rock her and she’d fall asleep on my chest. Those moments were bliss.

Then she began to grow and my terror lessened. I could make her laugh. We had fun with her baths. I started to feed her often. Life was grand.

Then lately she has become fussy again. She is switching to baby food. I make a God awful mess whenever I try to feed her. Then Kenzie gets frustrated and it gets ugly. Kristie, Gail, and Rene will hold her and talk to her and she will giggle and wiggle and smile. When I do it, she looks at me and sighs.

However, yesterday after school we turned a corner.

When I came in, Gail was holding her in the kitchen while Kristie was preparing supper. I was going to set my bag in the dining room. When Kenzie saw that I wasn’t going to say hi to her, she began to cry.

When I went over to her she actually reached her arms out for me! Then she giggled and wiggled in my arms.

Later, she sat on my lap for supper and I was able to feed her some of my food. She loved it and chowed down.

With a belly full, I took her up for her bath, which -as I said earlier – always goes well.

I brought her down and gave her a bottle and she fell asleep in my lap.

It just doesn’t get any better than that. I’ve been envious because Kristie gets that kind of treatment every day. Just wait until summer and I have time off. I’ve got it all planned out. Relaxing on the patio. Playing with the dogs. Biking and walking. Swimming at the pool. Napping on the front porch.

I’ll have it made.

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