Our readings for day #2 focuses on the burgeoning big business and industries in America. Eric mentioned on day one how he saw this period as a great time of hope. However, I saw it as a dark time. Sure, America had hope and inspiration in all of its new power and discoveries and resources, but I look at this time period knowing that WWI is looming as is the depression.
The big businesses will exploit the poor and pollute and corrupt government, a la "The Jungle."
Loeil brought this point home when he talked about how this happened at Marvin's Windows in Warroad. Apparently, some years ago they were storing some chemicals in a storage shed next to the river which fed into the lake, which is absolutely vital to the tourism that sustains Warroad.
However, when the MN department of pollution realized this, they fined them several thousand dollars.
What was the response from Big Business?
"We will never build another building in MN nor will we expand."
True to their word, they built a large facility in Grafton, ND and have expanded there.
So much for doing the right thing.
When did this sense of entitlement occur? When did Big Business just start believing they could do whatever they wanted without regard to the well fare of society or the rules?
They developed this idea during the Guilded Age time period we are studying now.
Oh come on...the fine isn't why Marvin's doesn't build in Warroad. And as for expansion...how big can they be with a limited workforce in the area? They have built or contributed to many beautiful new buildings and facilities in the area in recent years.
Isn't it unfortunate that stories like this don't bother to continue with a more complete picture.
Marvin has implemented a comprehensive environmental stewardship program. The program has won state and national recognition. Marvin's now donates to enviromental causes. Each year Marvin employees go into the local schools and encourage enviromental stewardship, provide educational material and give a seedling to each student.
Marvin donations have built an school indoor pool, a library and a hockey arena. A new nursing home is under construction paid by Marvin funds.
The Marvin facility in Warroad is expanding. A new visitor and training facility was recently completed. Two building additions to existing structures are currently underway.
A trip to Warroad will quickly show that Marvin's is committed to maintaining a beautiful environment.
So your story is way off base. Marvin's learned from their mistake and has now become a leader in environmental stewardship.
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