Saturday, July 05, 2008

Morning Adventure

Yesterday, I set Einstein on a branch of one of the trees in the backyard. Well, he immediately started to ascend it like an seasoned climber. However, when you're pushing 25 pounds, it takes a rather thick branch to support your girth. He eventually didn't dare climb any higher and managed to turn around on the thin branch and make his way back down the limb.

This morning I repeated the procedure. This time, though, Einstein decided to push his luck and climb out as far as possible on the branch, which sagged ominously under his weight. He managed to turn around again and head back down, but after a few feet, he lost his balance and actually dangled upside down - possum or raccoon like - before grabbing another branch and eventually plummeting down . . . into my arms. And I have the scars to prove it.

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