Monday, June 30, 2008

This is why I should work for Kristie one day . . .

Kristie was reading the Northern Watch yesterday when she came across a story that we have been watching for the past couple of months. It seems a principal at a neighboring school kicked a student's feet during a fire drill. As with any story, there are several sides. The student claims that he was abused. The principal claims that the student was being belligerent and needed a little motivation.

We were interested to see what would happen.

As Kristie read the article to me, she highlighted this part, "'Based on our report and the witness statements, it is clear that Mr. *&^%%$#'s intent was to get the complaining student to comply with a directive that he had refused to follow, despite the fact that he had been talked to by at least three school staff members'" and it was also noted that "the student was also encouraging other students to be belligerent and disrespectful."

After reading that, Kristie chimed in with her own, no bullshit or rhetoric response, "I'm glad they're not going to crucify him. Finally some sanity. Someone's not going to let a little shithead get away with something."

That's why she should finish her degree and move right on in to administration. No bullshit and no excuses and a set of balls. God how our schools could use those.

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