Thursday, June 12, 2008

Okay, I lied

Today I take up the carpet in our upstairs hallway.

Shouldn't be much of a task.

Of course, that's what I thought when I decided a couple of years ago to pull up the carpet on the stairs. About three and a half hours later, I was still yanking nails out.


This morning as Kristie got out of bed for work, she asked, "What is the funny yellow thing on the sidewalk?"

Sunshine, of course. And there has been far too little of it around here.

Our yard is now strewn with branches and leaves from yesterday's storm.

However, we sure did get the flowers planted and lawn seeded in time (though we're not seeing any grass sprouting yet).


It looks like today will be our first real summer day.

Why does everything seem more blue and green after a summer storm?


Kristie has remarked several times about how happy people seem to be for us and our new baby.

Whenever we see someone who has just learned of the news, they are always happy and wish us well.

I don't know if it's the subconscious realization that because we live in such a small town that every addition is important or if people just do it as a courtesy (though they really seem genuine). Just yesterday I had to stop in to our local hardware store for a collar for Joker. On my way out, the wife of the owner said, "I hear that you have some pretty wonderful news."

I smiled and said, "yes."

By now the owner's daughter was sitting next to her mother and listening in.

"How far along is Kristie?"

"Little over half way."

Then the owner leveled me with, "Your mother would be so happy."

The owners knew my parents quite well. I didn't realize that she knew my mother as well as my dad (he stopped in routinely, probably just to visit, and he really enjoyed visiting with their daughter).

Kenzie's arrival has certainly helped to fill the void left by Mom and Dad, but sometimes her arrival is also a reminder of that vacant spot in our lives and all that she will miss out on by Mom and Dad's absence.

But she will come to know - and love - them just as I came to know my father's parents through his stories long after they were gone.

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