Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Trials and Tribulations

Poor KoKo. It has long been a rule of Kristie's that KoKo cannot date until she is 16. However, as one of the truly gorgeous kids -- as well as kind and sweet -- in her grade, she now has an eighth grader who wants to date her. KoKo, to her credit, explained to her friends (who of course talked to her for the boy - you remember how junior high was) that she could not date for another three years.

One of her friends advised her to date him anyway - just to not tell her parents. Well, you can imagine how well that went over with Kristie. And, of course, KoKo (who last week cried because she accidentally said the word "piss." I guess in KoKo's vernacular that qualifies as a curse word) told us immediately. However, another little renegade in her class apparently went ahead and told the boy that KoKo liked him and would go out with him.

That had KoKo all worked up yesterday afternoon. To her credit, KoKo is going to talk to the boy so he doesn't get any mixed messages. I admire that. Last night that was all she could talk about. Of course, by doing this she was blowing it out of proportion and likely making it much harder on herself.

Kristie finally lamented, "I hope we have a boy. I can't take all of this drama!"

On the opposite end of the spectrum is Casey. He is going to prom after all. One of his classmates asked him. She actually had a friend call Casey while they were on their choir trip and ask him (you remember the ways of high school). So he is off to prom. Kristie is excited. He'll look like a handsome devil in his tux.

He and several of his friends have recently become fascinated with Youtube. So for the better part of the week they have crowded into our computer room to watch hundreds of videos. They have a goal: they want to produce their own video.

So they are devising a script and discussing storyboards and assigning roles. It's really quite interesting.

This is neat because Casey is often quite and withdrawn, but this has brought the ham out in him.

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