Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tuesday morning

It happened again to me last night during a quick trip to the grocery store. I hopped in the Trailblazer and our Beatles CD began playing. Then I thought about introducing our child to our love of music.

Then I began thinking about playing with them the way my dad did with me at the Hugos in Crookston. He'd often grab a cantelop toss it up, hold out his large hand and let it cradle back into his open palm. He had the most natural hands for catching I'd ever seen. Then he'd look around to see where mom was. If she had her back turned or was over in another lane, he'd point for me to go deep and then he'd hurl the particular article of fruit to me. I never dropped one. Though I bet that had to do with Dad's judgement of distance and the weight of the specific fruit rather than my hand-eye coordination.

Other times, we'd just wrestle right in the lane. That was until Mom shot us the dirty eye.

Since I was on a mission for supper (spaghetti), I hefted the frozen garlic bread and wondered how far was too far for our child to catch (the store has dreadful fruit). Just practicing.

Then on the way home, I noted the large empty lot behind our house and next to the high school. Perfect spot for frisbees and 500.


Yesterday we were supposed to compile a quick list of how we use technology in our classrooms and email it to our Language Arts chairperson. I think this is going to get attached to the "What We Would Like Our Classrooms to Look Like in Terms of Technology in the Future" list we compile previously.

Of course, it's hogwash.

I found it ironic that this list was due the same day the superintendent met with teachers about taking 1 percent from our staff development funds to help the school districts budget problems.

We have to steal from staff development and yet we're supposed to dream up innovative ways to use technology in our classes? Gimme a break.

Until the state and government get serious about funding education -- and I hold out no hope for my career -- I'm just going to shut my door and try to make the best happen inside it while I'm blessed to have this job. And for the rest? It is what it is.

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