Sunday, September 02, 2007

Final Tune Up

I'm in my room one final time before school starts. I'm almost ready. Well, ready as I can possibly be. As I stated previously, I can't really be ready until I see who my students are, where they're at, and what they have to say. Once I have that down, then I'll be closer to ready.

This morning I finished my syllabi for my three classes. I have my first week's lesson plan done. I fine tuned my teaching website a bit (but there is still more work to do). My room has a new book on every desk. My desk is relatively free of clutter. My mind is eager. On the way up here I was listening to a podcast on the British empire and found myself taking mental notes on what I can use in class.

The only thing I'm not ready for is this September heat. The forecast calls for close to 90 degree temps next week. I love heat. But heat in June, July, and August. Once September hits, 60s and 70s are fine with me. But if it's going to be hot, let it be hot in the summer where we can use some of that heat. My room doesn't have air conditioning, so I'm looking for a tower fan, but I didn't find anything like what I want.

Time to finish up here and hit the road. I don't want to spend too much time blogging, but it's amazing how indispensable this blog has become to my teaching.

Tomorrow is that last day of summer vacation. I am accompanying Kristie on a shopping trip. For the first time in a long while she will actually be shopping for herself. Her new job starts on Wednesday and that means a new wardrobe!

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