Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A Situation

There is a situation brewing in my family following Dad's death. He left my brother (the eldest child) in charge. This was not a good idea. Kevin is not the most organized nor the most efficient (remember how he forgot to feed the cats for four days over Easter break?). So far Kevin has made out quite well from many of Dad's high end items (his pickup, snow blower, John Deere lawn mower, stove, and so on). Barb has not gotten very much. I have gotten next to nothing, but that's fine with me. I would have liked Dad's truck. But I felt Kev needed it more than me. However, he got Dad's last truck too. And with my car having gotten battered by the deer this spring, the truck would have come in handy. But Kevin used it quite a bit. But I would have liked to have had it as a vehicle - and more importantly - a reminder of Dad. Kristie become livid whenever she sees my brother's wife driving the vehicle with a cigarette. Dad would roll over in his grave.

When Dad's health declined, Kevin mentioned that he would like to move out to Dad's farm. I thought this was a great idea. I like the thought of having someone on the old home place. However, Kevin really doesn't want to pay for the property. And this is where the situation is brewing.

Barb - who has been completely independent since the age of 18 (Kevin and I have both relied heavily on help from Mom and Dad over the years) feels that Kevin is taking advantage while I'm getting screwed out of some things. I don't feel that way though. She really is the one Dad should have left in charge of the operation. And I have a suspicion Kevin would agree with me.

Several people have talked to Barb about what we are planning to do with the farm. We want to sell most of it to a gravel company. However that leaves some property on which the house and other buildings sit. Kevin has his eye on this.

Barb - wisely - had the property accessed. Estimates are around 40-50 thousand. I believe he estimated the house at 25,000-30,000. Kevin - I learned last night at volleyball - talked either to the bank or insurance company and found out that the house was valued at 18,000. With the two quonsets are about 4,300 each. So if you add that up it's around 26,600. Quite a difference. I don't know what they evaluated the land at. Or maybe he thinks he'll just get that for free. Then Kevin even asked me if we would charge him for the house if he was just going to tear it down.

I have mixed feelings about this. I would rather rent the place to someone than Kevin tear it down. I would also rather let someone get the land - let me rephrase that - someone who is willing to pay fair market value for it - rather than just give it to Kevin, even if he is my brother.

I know Barb is quite worked up about this. But it comes down to this (or so I've decided) - I would rather live with Kevin being angry/bitter about us charging him fair market value for it than live with myself feeling angry/bitter about letting Kevin have the property for next to nothing.

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