Today I am in charge of providing the morning prompt here at the RRVWP. I had planned to use an essay in a personal essay collection about a woman remembering a key event from her childhood (I can't remember exactly what it was). Yet, she ends the essay saying that those events happened - to her neighbor across the street and not her. So I was going to have everyone read the essay and then write about a 'false' memory or the nature of memory.
But I forgot the essay collection on our dining room table. I realized this halfway to GF this morning. So I had to improvise.
I was going to use the old faithful prompt - describe your most prized possession. I'm always interested in what people choose for their possession - and if it is something current or something from their youth and if it's something they bought or something that was given to them.
But as I was thinking of this, I turned on to highway 75 and met a middle aged man driving a Camaro. I thought, "I'll never understand why old men drive sports cars." Then a new idea for a prompt hit me - devise a list of ten things you'll never understand (or if you're from my generation - come up with then things that make you go hmmmmhhhhh). Here are a few
Things that make me go hmmmhhhhhh??
1. Old men in sports cars.
2. Why people dress their pets in clothes.
3. Why salads always taste better at restaurants.
4. Why GF doesn't have an Olive Garden.
5. The popularity of country music.
6. How people can consider hunting a sport.
7. Why the space between the seat and middle counsel in my car swallows everything! (Yesterday it was a cheeseburger. In the past it has been pens, my ipod, cds, everything)
8. Why I can't make a good cup of coffee at home.
9. How Rowling could actually consider killing off any more main characters.
10. Why Einstein makes love to our clothes under our dining room table.
11. How people could abandon animals in the country.
12. Why the hair on my head stops growing and the hair in my ears and nose suddenly sprouts.
Okay, I just gave the prompt and people are writing. This is good. I had them compile a list and then choose one to write about. If they don't feel compelled to write, they can just keep compiling things. Though I do see a few people stumped. That's okay - yesterday's prompt (write about a situation in which someone would actually cry over spilled milk - and the winner was someone writing about a mother with 8 babies and having to breast feed them - they certainly would cry over a spilled bottle of milk!) didn't inspire me.
I'm really just anxious to hear what people have to say. I modeled #10 above. I showed them all a picture of Einstein (our cat) humping one of KoKo's stuffed animals. That got a good discussion going. One lady thought it was a sign of neglect. Another thought it was a sign of aggression. Einer is certainly not neglected. He is most often pampered like a damn Egyptian prince. And he really isn't that aggressive. So I think he's just a pervert.
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