Our little girl, Mischa, is getting big. She loves it when I run the spinkler in the back yard. She eyes up all the delicious birds that land to take advantage of the shower and worms. But I make sure to keep her away from the door.
Actually, our little escape artist did make a break for it last week. I woke KoKo up for Sports Excel (an offseason conditioning program that runs three days a week for June and July). Since I have to get her up at 5:25, I went to bed once she was up and functioning. But then before I dozed off, I thought I heard the front door open and slam shut. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was 6:20, and I hoped that KoKo hadn't fallen asleep downstairs and woke up late.
Only later did we learn the truth. Apparently, while KoKo was running, someone mentioned a cat being in the school. Someone caught it and put it back outside, but it found its way back inside again. That was when KoKo caught sight of the pest. Mischa! She must have snuck out the door when KoKo left. But KoKo, now at that age when she is easily embarrassed and worried about how people perceive her, didn't want to say anything. So she let them catch Mischa a third time and chuck her out.
Well, Mischa found her way back in for a third time. Finally, much to KoKo's chagrin, one of her friends recognized Mischa and said, "Hey, KoKo, isn't that your cat?"
Well, the cat, so to speak, was out of the bag then for her and she had to fess up to it and take Mischa home.
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