Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Last night was KoKo's first boy/girl party. Five boys and, counting KoKo, five girls. To say she was excited would have been an understatement of epic proportions. By the time I got home from some curriculum work, the house was empty, except for the armada of bikes out front. My instincts told me they would be at the pool (the 90 degree heat also was a good indicator). Sure enough Kristie was visiting with the life guards - her former basketball players and baby-sitters - telling them all about the wedding. Prior to that she was leading the kids in a game of keep away.

I headed home for the central air.

Soon though the party arrived. Kristie and I headed out for a bike ride. When we returned Koko was fired up to play bingo. Initially she wanted me to create a trivia game (I had done this for one party a few years ago) and give away prizes. But she thought bingo would be more fun. However, many of the boys were more interested in Casey and his video games and paint ball gun. However, one boy, Ethan, and I participated in bingo.

At 7 I had to leave for volleyball. When I got back I found Kristie had organized the party into teams for a round robin tournament of "Spot Toss." I couldn't believe how seriously the kids were taking it. For prizes I found some old basketball trophies that Kristie's former boss had given me when they were renovating the farm supply office. So I offered them up and the kids went nuts for it.

The night ended for us around 11. We were tired and the kids were settling down to watch a couple movies. Some of the boys had to go home early and they all had to go home when the movies were done.

I think it's safe to say KoKo (and the rest of us) had quite the time. I was just telling Kristie that I liked the elementary school KoKo - the one who wore T-shirts and jeans every day and whose biggest worries were what friends liked her this week and getting her homework done - more than the to-be high school KoKo - the one who is aware of her beauty and dresses more like a young little lady and whose biggest worries were what boys think and what her friends say about her. Oh well. All I can do is enjoy her while I have her. She does, though, still maintain her childlike qualities. Yesterday Joker and I were about to leave for our morning run when she opened the front door - herself about to go to sports excel at the high school - and said, "I love you Kurtie." Gotta love that.

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