Thursday, June 07, 2007

Rainy Thursday

Rain, rain, rain. Ever since we left for the wedding last Tuesday evening, it has pretty much rained steadily. Go figure?

So today I am doing as little as possible. I'm not going in to school - though I have to get my room cleaned out and things filed away for the summer. And I'm not going to worry about it. I can get that taken care of tomorrow or next week. I'll be up there soon enough. We have a department meeting set for next Wednesday. Then I should swing by the ALC and see exactly what I'll be teaching this first summer session.

So far today I've cleaned up the office here at home some. Our upstairs is a total disaster. Ever since Kristie decided to paint our bedroom, everything that had been in our bedroom found its way into the hallway and the office. Then our new bedroom furniture arrived, leaving little room for the things stacked up in the hallway and office.

KoKo and I have been trying to sort and pack them away. However, we do not make a good pair of workers. We share the same random-abstract mindset. So it's not uncommon to see me get lost in playing with Einstein and Mischa while KoKo gets sidetracked color coordinating her markers or alphabetizing her scrapbook entries.

I've decided to take a break from the minimal progress to sit down with a cup of coffee and blog some.

As I was looking at more of the wedding photos, I came across this one. It's still hard for me to look at, but it didn't seem right not to have at least some representation of Mom and Dad there. So the right before we left, I quickly grabbed this photo and frame (which Kristie gave me for my birthday a few years ago) and packed it away for the trip. The photographers did a great job setting it up.

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