Today is day number one at the ALC. So far, so good. But it's just the first day. I teach three 75 minutes classes: Multi-Cultural Lit, Accessing Information, and Creative Writing. I have taught both the mutli-cultural lit and creative writing classes before, so they will be easy. The accessing info class (a research based class) has me a bit worried. But the curriculum is pretty much set. So all I have to do is follow along.
The only problem so far has been the technology side of things. I got up here early and went up to my room to print out some work for today. For some reason I couldn't print from my laptop. Nor could I access the internet. This worried me since the accessing information class basically uses the internet and search engines from our school library to find sources. If we can't get on the internet, what is the point of the class? Furthermore, evidently the cleaners moved the computers and portable lab around on Friday when they cleaned and didn't plug things back in or at least correctly, and now only three (out of about 18) stationairy computers let us log in. Thankfully, the laptops work. I have an internet scavenger hunt planned for them and that should keep them plenty busy tooling around the internet.
That is the key to the ALC classes: keep the kids busy working. This is not always easy.
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