There were no rats, but the bales were really rotten. Some had been there for several seasons, so a pitchfork was necessary.
It was odd working there without Dad. But I had his voice in the back of my mind. He was critiquing my technique on tossing the bales and my strategy for loading them in the back of Casey's pickup. I also heard him cracking jokes. It was good for me to hear that voice again - even if it was faint.
After removing the bales, I turned Kozy and Joker loose in the pit.
Joker had to cool off and get a quick drink.
Kozy found a stick was eager to play fetch. So I was interested to see if she would brave the water to fetch the stick. She loved the water. Joker will wade in, but he doesn't like to swim. Kozy, on the other hand, was all about the water.
But Joker wasn't too keen on playing fetch with her.
I tried having her fetch a rock, but she lost it in the water. It was still fun to see her bury her face in the water in search of it.
Finally, she had to stop for a gulp of water.
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