Monday, May 07, 2007

New Age of Students

What has happened to your average, every day, show up and do their work and go home student?

I see a large number of students who tune in to their ipods and drop out of school existence. They muddle along doing as little as possible and then litter the halls until late in the afternoon, contributing nothing.

I see a large number of student driven hard to excel - in athletics or some other extra curricular activity.

In the mean time, what the hell happened to school? I mean school where you sit in your desk, discuss the assignment, and learn something? It rarely exists here.

An example -

One of my students was gone today. They came in during my prep. There is a problem at home. A serious problem. (And what happened to students without problems at home? What happened to students had loving and caring homes?) They are needed to run their home and raise the kids. I reassured them that given the situation, we could work something out. My hear goes out to this student too. I'm not being callous on their part. I feel bad for the circumstances they are caught up in. For this child is bright and hard working and wants to succeed. Then as they leave, I notice something, they are dressed in athletic attire and likely headed to practice.

Then it hits me, school is optional. Athletics aren't. How sad is that?

Now I could be wrong. Maybe they were in gym. Maybe they were going to tell their coach they'd have to miss practices and games. But I don't think that's true.

Why do they value athletics - something they really get little out of - certainly nothing that will help them get a job or improve their lives a decade in the future - so much more than they value school?

Is it something unique here in our own little corner of Minnesota? Or is it something that plagues our entire culture?

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