Monday, May 21, 2007

Final Thoughts

The last Monday of the school year is history. My College Comp kids are sweating bullets. Their research papers are due on Wednesday. Most are in good shape. I'm only really worried about one or two. My Brit Lit class is in good shape too. Well, the seniors are. For whatever ungodly reason, our school graduates the seniors a week ahead (I stand corrected. The Powers that Be like to say "It's just three days ahead) of the underclassmen. And if it is really no big deal, then why do we have those final three days anyway? Little productive gets done. I mean how can you justify adding extra work to a class? And it just isn't fair. What happens to a teacher who has all seniors when another one has all freshmen? Why should they get an extra week (oops, I mean three days) off while the other has to work.

So I'm using up all of my 'accommodation' days in my College Comp class and just telling my juniors that they're done on Friday with the seniors. I still have some things planned for my Brit Lit juniors. And most of the juniors in my Comp II class will just say screw it and skip the final week - I mean three days - of school anyway.

Really, this concerns me little, for come Tuesday, we're off to get married.


I mowed our lawn for the first time this evening. I was not alone either. The roar of mowers echoed throughout the neighborhood. When I was a kid, doing yard work was my favorite things. Dad would push the mower. Barb and Mom would tend to the garden and trim. Kevin would usually be gone while I just bounced around from job to job. What I loved about it was that the family was together and working. Good stuff.


I missed the annual spring clean up day at the cemetery where Mom and Dad are buried (I had KoKo's Girl Scout Awards day). So Barb went with her family. At the end of the meeting it was decided that new officers for the cemetery board would be elected (Dad had served as vice president and Willard Purath had served as president, but both died from cancer). So Barb, in her infinite wisdom, volunteered me for president. And I won unanimously (I'm a Democrat, so I won, of course). Luckily, I'm just a figurehead. The real president is Lucille Wiess, who does a magnificent job running the place.

Can't wait to add that accolade to the old resume.

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