I finished the College Comp papers this morning. I'm wiped out. The average length was 10 pages. I'm pleased with their work. No overt plagiarism and good analysis.
Some, though, weren't always pleased with their grades. You sure can tell who has been used to getting their way from Mommy and Daddy this time of the year. I handed one paper back to a girl, and she read it and then tossed it back on my desk - when she could just have easily and politely handed it to me. I guess she was displeased with her B-.
Life goes on.
I always tell them - just because you work hard doesn't mean you're going to get the grade you want. It's funny because I think it was this girl who wrote on an earlier essay concerning how to improve education in American and in our school about how she never really had been challenged in school before. I guess she didn't like the challenge after all.
Life goes on.
I just was handed this by a college -
A large school district recently hired several cannibals. "You are all part of our school team now," said the HR director during the welcoming briefing. "You get all the usual benefits, and we have a lounge area where you can get snacks to eat. But please, don't eat any of our staff or students."
The cannibals promised they would not. Three weeks later the HR director remarked, "You're all working very hard, and we are satisfied with your work. However, one of our secretaries has disappeared. Do any of you know what happened to her?"
The cannibals al shook their heads, no.
After the HR director had left, the leader of the cannibals said to the others, "Which one of you idiots ate the secretary?"
A hand rose hesitantly.
"You fool!" the leader continued. "For three weeks we've been feasting on administrators and school specialists and no one noticed anything! But NOOOOooooo. You had to go and eat someone who actually does something!"
Ha. Loved it.
Here is snippet from another blog I constantly read (countryscribe.com) that really states how I feel too about the overly conservative faction in our country. The article speaks out on the use of torture. But it also can translate into many other areas as well.
"Amongst those are many supporters who claim to be quite Christian, despite their contempt for the rule of law, their zeal for military solutions to every problem, their paralyzing fear of all that isn't familiar to them, and their willingness to hand moral authority and governmental power over to anybody willing to mouth the right phrases about the Lord. These moral midgets clothe themselves in righteousness over issues like gay marriage but seem downright enthused about torturing people. They have been leant far more credibility and attention than they deserve."
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