However, when we returned from our vacation, we found that the cats had not been looked after. When I called my brother, he confessed that he had forgotten. Kristie was furious. I was too, though I was more furious at myself. I knew better than to have Kevin look after them. He is not the most trustworthy soul. A nice guy, but don't count on him.
It wouldn't have been so bad - we left the basement open with a pile of dried food, extra water, and - most importantly - their litter box. But on the first day of our trip, Casey's friend had come over to borrow Casey's golf clubs - and he shut the door to the basement. So poor Einer and Mischa were basically without food (they did find some packets upstairs), water, and - most importantly - their litter box for close to four days.
At first we thought we got off luck that they had used our downstairs bathtub to urinate in. However that was not the only place. They urinated in an old silverware container and - gulp - one of the burners on our stove. Unfortunately, it was the burner that had the exhaust vent to our stove in it. So it leaked down into that. Of course, this wasn't discovered until Kristie tried to pre-heat the oven.
But we used a can of Off on the oven and then ran it through the self cleaning mode, and the stench seems to be gone.
So what triggered this prompt was that I was searching through our camera last night and found this picture --
I can just hear them saying, "We're going with you next time, dammit!"
One of Einstein's peculiar habits involves climbing on top of our porch and blearing as loud as possible - usually disturbing the neighborhood.
Sunday afternoon when we returned from walking the dogs, this is what I saw.
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