Tomorrow our department has a meeting with our principal, curriculum head, and computer tech guru to hear the news about our budget proposal. I genuinely like these people. But when money is involved, people change quickly. I'm interested to see what happens. Six years ago (the last time our curriculum cycle was up), we opted for 24 new imac computers in our English lab instead of textbooks. But this year we are asking for all new textbooks and some technology extras.
I have a feeling those 'extras' will get lopped rather quickly. We are asking for projectors for our rooms. I think we are the only department not to have them. In addition to those, we asked for a laptop to go with each projector. Now at first glance, this doesn't seem too bold. The math department last time asked for new TVs, DVD players, and computers. They got them. I have a feeling our laptops will get cut. I think the projectors are safe. Math is just the hot commodity right now. Gotta get those test scores up. So give them most of their budget and piss on other 'minor' fields. I hold nothing against the math department. I'm happy for them. I just wish our district viewed things a little more evenly.
I am under no illusions. If you are an artsy fartsy program, you'll get most of what you ask. If you are a core subject, you're often screwed - especially if what you teach isn't envogue with the latest crap from the state. After a decade here, I know this: some people will get what they ask for. Others won't. Those who can 'sell' their products and get the ear of certain important administrators (wait, I think that was an oxymoron), get what they ask for. Those who are honest and straightforward, get the basics. I know this. I can live with that.
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