Crazy Horse
A close up of Crazy Horse
It's hard to believe that the day after our wedding we are going on the Volksmarch. It's held once a year. The monument is opened to the public and people can hike - gulp - to the top of Crazy Horse. The path up changes every year. Kristie's father, Ed, wants to be first this year. He has actually finished in the top ten before. I just hope to survive the march.
This is the compressor the artist, Korczak Ziolkowski, used to chissel, drill, and blast Crazy Horse into shape. There is a film at the park that shows interview footage of Ziolkowski. I was amazed at one tale he told. He was talking about his old compressor and how he would crank it up in the morning and get it running. Then he'd grab the jackhammer, the bits, and start lugging them up to the top of Crazy Horse. Of course, just as he'd arrive at the top, he'd hear "capoot, capoot, capoot." And the compressor would die out. Then he'd have to hike all the way down there again to start it up. Of course, by the time he reached the top, it would go capoot again. Could you imagine the man's dedication and drive?
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