Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Homecoming. Testing. Evacuation drills. Pep Fests. Coronation. Take a look at all that we have going on here this week -

Monday (coronation)

Tuesday (NWEA testing for all sophomores)

Wednesday (lock down and evacuation drills)

Thursday (more testing for juniors)

Friday (pep fest)

And that is all 'outside' crap that has nothing to do with getting my kids to write.

So far my classes are going very well. My first hour comp class is quit and reserved - as most first blocks are. Their first essays are waiting for me to read and grade. My second block comp class is more outgoing and talkative. So we get less done than in first block. I've read and graded their themes. I had three really outstanding descriptive essays. I had several more run of the mill essays - stuff like "I am going to describe my favorite object . . . " Ugh. Or "My most prized possession is my cat . . ." Ugh squared. I tell them again and again if they do a good job describing and showing me their favorite objects, possessions, and so on, they won't actually have to tell me in a 'canned' first sentence what they are describing. My fourth block class is just bliss. Though I have some large shoes to fill - the previous teacher did an outstanding job. And I always find myself wondering, how did she teach this? how did she handle this? where would she be right now in this course? But I'll feel much better once our themes start rolling in. To get a feel for their writing, I've had them write three essays now. Once their third is done and read and returned. I'll have them choose one of the three to revise and submit as theme #1.

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